A few times this week I have been asked “How do you have so many followers”  Some have even asked if I’ve brought followers!The short answer is no, I have never brought followers. If you want to kill your account and engagement, thats definitely the route to go down though!The longer answer to how I have the following I do, is because I’ve shared my story. I have been open, honest and that got attention. From press, from people who have had similar experiences, other industry experts and so on. The fact is, everyone loves a story, especially if it’s relatable! I love to know where people came from, their journey to where they are now, it’s fascinating. And the best part is, everyones story is different. BUT, you can’t just talk about something once. When you think about it, why do you remember what the McDonalds logo is? Because its shoved in your face 24/7! Everywhere you go, on the TV, on the radio, its consistently being promoted. That’s ultimately the trick to being seen and being heard. I know what you are thinking though:

  • That means having to post on social media constantly.
  • I actually hide behind my business.
  • I usually keep business/person very separate.
  • I’ve got to write endless captions.
  • Having to think of new ideas all the time.
  • Having to come up with new promotions.
  • I don’t have a “relatable story”/or I don’t know what my story is.

If building your visibility is something you want to work on within your business, I can help you do that. I can show you how to get press attention, how to build your perfect audience which will all in turn increase your profitability.Not the long way, the smooth sailing way (that’s not to say you don’t have to work!). I have been in the press many times, in fact hundreds. From the BBC news, radio stations, newspapers and magazines. It has giving me the creditability and trust for clients and customers to buy into my brand. Thats the power of PR. Want to get your business seen more? Want to build your personal story?Let’s get started and jump on a call together to see if my mastermind is the right fit for you or if one of my other services are.Can’t wait to hear from you. Just email me at info@kgbusinessmentor.comKatie Godfrey xx