I’ve been getting loads of questions about a key player in my businesses – Amy. Many of you have probably seen her on my socials, maybe even at events or on calls if you’re part of our membership. Today, I’m peeling back the curtain and giving you an exclusive peek into our dynamic and how this incredible collaboration came to be.

Who is Amy? How Did We Meet? And How Do We Work Together?

In our latest podcast episode, all these burning questions find their answers. Ever wondered about the brains behind the scenes and how the magic unfolds? This episode is your backstage pass to discover the ins and outs of our collaboration.

From Stalker to Best Business Decision: The Unconventional Journey

Yes, you read that right – the latest episode spills the beans on how my so-called “stalker” turned out to be one of the best business decisions I ever made. 😆 The twists and turns of our unconventional journey might just surprise you!

Have You Listened Yet? Share the Love!

If you’ve already tuned in, I’d love to hear your thoughts! What did you think of the episode? Feel free to drop your comments and share the love on the episode. 👇

Listen to the Episode Now: HERE

And remember, sharing is caring!  Let’s spread the good vibes and insights together.

A Glimpse Behind the Curtain

As we pull back the curtain on the dynamic duo – Katie and Amy – in this latest episode, I hope you find inspiration in the magic that happens behind the scenes. The energy, the unexpected connections, and the journey from “stalker” to a pivotal business decision – it’s all part of the story!

Thanks for being a part of this incredible community! Until next time, keep shining! 🌟