Exciting news – the latest episode of our podcast, ‘The Life Of KG,’ is live and ready for your listening pleasure! 🎉  I’m taking you on a journey through the past year, sharing what worked wonders within my businesses and what didn’t quite hit the mark.

In the Trenches as a Business Owner: What Sets Me Apart

What makes my approach as a business mentor and coach unique? Well, here’s the secret sauce – I’m not just preaching from the sidelines; I’m still knee-deep in the business game. Yep, I’m proudly running my salon, academy, and product range. I’m not just “talking the talk”; I’m “walking the walk,” and I absolutely love it!

Why Being “In It” Matters

Living and breathing the daily grind of a business owner allows me to test and try different strategies within my own ventures. The best part? I get to pass on the invaluable lessons and insights I gain directly to you.

Tune In for a Deep Dive

Curious to know more about the wins, the lessons, and the behind-the-scenes action? Hit play on the latest episode and join me on this reflective journey.

 Listen to the Latest Episode Now!

Whether you’re a fellow business owner, an aspiring entrepreneur, or just someone curious about the ins and outs of running a beauty empire, there’s something for everyone.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts after tuning in! I’d love to hear what resonates with you. Let’s learn and grow together! 💪

Until next time, happy listening!