And that’s a wrap! Day 3 of The Booked Out Beauty Challenge is complete! That absolutely flew by, but I LOVED connecting with you all.

Now you are clear on your why, you will know the direction you need to continue in to ensure you get what you want from your business.

Tonight was all about pricing to profit!

Make sure you complete your last 5 minute TASK in your workbook and share it on the TASK 3 thread on our FB group. Make yourself accountable and speak what you want into existence.

  • Write down what you would like to earn per hour.
  • Look at your top 3 services. Are they priced how you would want them to be? Do they align with what you want to make per hour?

    Remember to deduct the cost price of the service.

Click Here To Share Your Thoughts

Need to catch up?

No worries hun, I’ve saved the recordings of each day for you to catch up on.

Click here to CATCH UP

Ready to learn MORE… for FREE?

Download your workbook ready for Sunday! 12th March at 8PM


PS: You will need to be there to find out if you’re a winner of one of the prizes!

See you there,

Katie xxx